Thursday, December 10, 2015

Rocking Horse Schooling Show: Part 3

After a fantastic stadium round, we headed back to the barn for a quick saddle change, and then Marcy and Violet headed right out to the cross country warm up.  Melissa, Collin and I followed on the golf-cart.  Melissa set up the warm up fences, because, again, Marcy was one of the first BN riders.  She hopped over two fences and headed to the start box.  We headed out on the golf cart to find a good vantage point to watch what we could and waited.

We were on the opposite side of fence three, and were thinking we could maybe see a few more down in the main area from where we were.  Marcy had explained to the person riding the Gator that I had had surgery and he allowed us to follow him in the golf cart while he followed Violet on the Gator.  Let me tell you how hard it is to take pictures while bouncing along on a golf cart as fast as the thing will go!

Violet heading to fence 3, the rolltop.
Violet came through the trees heading to 3 looking like she was ready for all this.  It is obvious she has spent some time jumping those fences and is getting more comfortable with it.

And over they go!
She had no problem with the rolltop, and headed down the hill.  I don't remember what all the fences are, but the course made a nice left handed loop from the upper field, down into the main field, through the water, than back up to the upper field and over the ditch in the woods.  Everything was very inviting and pretty straightforward.  

After the fourth fence, Violet let out a big cow kick.  When I asked Marcy about it later, she said that Violet just needed to remind her she is a red-head, lol.

Fence 6, the little mushroom.
Marcy came down to a trot through the water, then up and over a half roll after that, no issues.

Fence 10 after the water.
And over!
There is one fence that I was not able to get a picture of, because I wanted to actually watch the ride.  It is the one fence that I'm really kind of frightened of trying with the pony.  It's four chevrons together that they call the dragon's teeth.  I have no idea why, but to me, that fence looks huge, and I know it has caused problems for riders in the past.  I thought for sure Marcy would have to ride Violet to it pretty strongly, but she said no, she really didn't.  She thought she might, but didn't have to.  She did, however, see a long spot and decided to take it.  

Marcy came back down to a trot before the ditch, not really because Violet has an issue with ditches or water much anymore, but more because she had forgotten her watch and was worried she was fast.

Then it was over!  It looked to me like Violet started with an actual rhythm and stayed with it, and actually was looking for the fences.  I don't know that she's ever really done that before.  Marcy said she felt really good and soft through the whole course.  In the past she has gotten worried and a bit frantic on the cross country phase, but she seems to be working through that.  Hopefully soon I can say I have a confirmed BN eventing pony, lol.

In the end, Marcy received a 30 in the dressage, which put her in first.  She remained in first through her double clear in stadium.  Unfortunately, she accrued penalties on cross country for going too slow.  As I can attest, pony strides feel like you are going fast when sometimes maybe you aren't.  But it was a beautiful round, and it was one that we (me and the pony-girl) can build on, because she didn't get worried about it.  That is way more important to me than a blue ribbon.  Besides, we all know red-heads look good in green.

So, all in all, it was a fantastic day, with beautiful weather while Marcy was riding, and the pony was fantastic.  I can't wait to get back on her and start getting our groove together back.

Can I haz apple now?!


  1. great pictures! you must be so proud of Violet - sounds like she's really figuring it out! bummer about the time penalties, but it seems like that's an easily fixed problem. what a good little pony mare!! :D

    1. We were very happy with the show, regardless of the placing. She really has had issues in the past with getting tense on the cross-country, so to have her be relaxed and looking for the next fence was a win in my book!
