Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My very own (future) horse husband

I will return to phases two and three of the show tomorrow.  I have to make some changes to my media for stadium before I post, so in the meantime, there's this.

So, when we got to the show grounds, the boy had only ever been to one other, and it was actually the area championships.  That atmosphere is a little different.  With only one phase a day, most people stable there. When doing a schooling show when everything runs in one day, there is a lot more going on all at one time, and many more people who simply drive in for the day and show off the side of their trailer.

So this was a new experience.  The place was PACKED.  There were horses and ponies and people everywhere.  I think the boy was a bit overwhelmed.  He couldn't quite get that Violet actually lives here.  After her dressage test, we power walked back to the barn, untacked, wiped down and put her away.

A different day, but you get the idea.
Of course, he had to point out every piece of "poopy" along the way.  After all, all men are really 12 year old boys forever.

So I have had him hold Violet before and that makes him noticeably uncomfortable.  So this time, he mostly just held a couple of things for me.  I had him get me a towel, or a treat.  He carried the camera or the camera bag, knowing that I would get carried away with something and leave it lay where ever I happened to be (notorious for this, I am).  He made runs to the truck for anything.

At one point, we came across the volunteer coordinator, who is a very nice woman, and appreciates my attempts to help, even when she doesn't need it.  She had been asking for months when I was going to be bringing him to the show grounds.  So she finally got to meet him, where she just gushed all over him.  She made comments about him becoming my "horse show husband".  I can say there was blushing all around.

So imagine my surprise when I asked him to get me the pitchfork to pick up Violet's droppings on the washrack and he not only got it, but he managed to get all the poop in one try and deposited it in the wheelbarrow without my even asking!

Because who doesn't like a dog that can scoop?
He has always asked me questions.  Trying to explain what a dressage test is, and what the history of it is, and why we do it (why do you do all the circle, circle, circles?) actually puts a smile on my face, as well as makes me think about it.  He started to open up a bit, asking Marcy some questions.  He apologized for all the questions, to which she replied, "No, you ask really good questions!  It's not like you are asking 'why is that horse brown?'!"  He does seem to just want to understand what and why we do what we do.

So, this man who knows that he is taking both me AND my pony on, and who still insists on pointing out every poop pile as we walk around, appears to be willing to learn and help.  And he still seems to love me even though he knows my level of crazy.  I think I'll keep him.


  1. Mine is obsessed with poop too. Poop and farts. I don't get it.

    1. Fortunately, there was no bucking and farting in sight, but I do look forward to his reaction to such when he sees it.

  2. ha this is so sweet! and of course it would take an equestrienne to fully appreciate her man bc of his ability to shovel manure so effectively ;)

    1. I have to admit, I was impressed with his ability to get it in one scoop without throwing any of it around.
