Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Times, they are a changin'

I started riding as a way to get more exercise and have an excuse to be outside on the weekends, which was the only time I had since I was living out of hotels during the week for my job.  I bought Violet because I couldn't let anyone else have her, with thoughts that she would stay where she was, be available to me when I was there, and otherwise allow some other student the opportunity to show large pony hunters on her. That way I could keep riding, but help out a kid that didn't have money for a pony of their own.  It was my way of giving back.  It was no problem that the farm was 2+ hours away.  I was single and had nothing better to do with my weekends.

Violet and I at her first home in Newberry FL 2010
Then that situation changed.  My trainer died, the farm closed, the ponies were sold, the kids disbursed, and Violet moved to Jacksonville.

Violet at the first farm in Jacksonville 2013
We met up with our current trainer.  One thing about me is that I am loyal, and I really hate change.  I really like my trainer.  I enjoy working with her, and she is a wonderful horsewoman.  So when decisions were made on where to go when we outgrew the situation we were in, I became part of the team, and we go where she goes.  A couple of stops later, and that is Rocking Horse.

I love Rocking Horse.  The people are nice, the facilities are fantastic.  If you are going to be an eventer, why would you want to be anywhere else?  You have everything you need right there!  In Jacksonville, there are no options for cross country.  We were trailering to Rocking Horse all the time anyway to school.  And if you want to do something different, the Florida Horsepark and Longwood are not that far away.  We were honored to be able to stay there while we were figuring out what the next step would be.  It became apparent pretty quickly that it was not just a temporary situation.

Violet at Rocking Horse

But that left me with a problem.  Violet is getting fantastic care, and learning way beyond my abilities.  But I am not an eventer.  Riding is a life sport for me, not a competition sport.  I have a new fiance that should get some of my time.  I should move her home.  So I find a situation that works well for me and Violet, and my trainer agrees to come give me lessons there.

Violet in St Augustine 2015
For the first couple months, it works wonderfully.  Violet seems happy.  I spend 5 days a week at the farm, 2 lessons (one flat, one jumping), one flat school, one jump school and one lunge day.  Yes, it was lonely, because there was no one else around in the evenings. Violet and I were getting enough "bonding time" for me to realize that she really doesn't want to bond with me.  She wants to bond with hay and grass.  She no longer greets me like a friend or savior, but sees me coming and walks away.

Then the rains, and the skin funk, and the nasty cough, and my foot, and my fiance tells me to move her back.  That I'm not happy, and she's not healthy, and I need to be with my girlfriends.  The man can be amazingly insightful about such things, but don't tell him I said that.  So I move her back for two months.  Only two months, as there won't be room for her after that.
Flooding in St Augustine 2015
Speaking with my trainer over the weekend, I asked what her thoughts are.  You can tell she wants to say just leave Violet where she is, but doesn't want me to feel pressured.  She has room.  She loves Violet and is having a blast riding her.  Who cares if I only ride once a week?  I can learn when I'm there because Violet will have learned already.  And she is so happy there.  She really is.  She loves the sand and having her own paddock and her buddies in the barn, and there are so many boys she can tease unmercifully when she is in heat.  She's back to being the princess among all the horses there, which makes her happy.  And while she doesn't come to me like a friend anymore, she does look up when she hears me coming, and she doesn't walk away any more.

Happy pony back at Rocking Horse
So today I will go to pick up my trunk from the other barn, and speak with the barn manager and let her know we will not be back right away as originally thought.

So, as Heraclitus said "The only constant is change."  On to the next step!


  1. making these kinds of decisions is always so hard (i def struggle with self doubt!)... you seem to have a lot of good reasons and thought put into this, and RH sounds like a wonderful place where Violet is very happy ;)
