Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekend Update

Today is my birthday, so I did what I usually do for my birthday.  In years past, I went cross country schooling.  Actually the last three years I have gone cross country schooling on my birthday, usually at Longwood.

Longwood in 10/13/2013

This year my birthday falls on a Monday, so I spent the weekend at Rocking Horse with my pony and friends.  It's a great opportunity to get two lessons in.  One dressage and one jumping.  I will get to those later.  In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures to keep you going through the day.  While I buy paint and scrub floors in my rental house.  Yes, it is going to be an exciting birthday.

Jumping exercise...LOTS of poles, but looked like fun

One of the ship in clients


Violet looking for food

Mr Dan letting everyone know his hay net is empty

A seriously shiny Violet

