Friday, October 30, 2015

Being a part of the team

Last year, it became clear that I am not going to be a competing member of my team.  I'm just not.  I don't really have it in me.  I'll do stadium and dressage, but it's going to take some time for me to do the whole cross country thing.  But I can't stand not being a part of the group.  I have always been the picture taker, starting with the yearbook in high school, historian for my fraternity in college, and photographer when I was the ground crew chief of the banner tow company.  So, I tried to be the photographer, but it's really hard with just a point and shoot, which is what I had.  I have now upgraded, and will work on becoming proficient at that, but at the time, it just wasn't enough.  I wanted to do something else.

So I decided I would volunteer.  I had volunteered as a security guard at WEG2010 in Kentucky (first time ever seeing eventing in person OMG), and thought I might like to volunteer in Canada in 2018, but wanted to do something around the horses this time.  To do that, I need experience.  Why not volunteer at Rocking Horse, since we are there so much anyway (this was before we moved there), and I liked the people.  I actually helped with jump crew a few times in the schooling shows if I was there watching anyway.  What can I say, I'm a helper.
Buck and Reggie over fence 19 at WEG2010

Becky Holder and Courageous Comet battle the coffin complex WEG2010

So I started volunteering as a jump judge, because that's where they needed people.  I drive in in the dark on Saturday mornings, volunteer, maybe get a lesson in, or dinner with the team, and head back home.  Maybe once a year I do two days, but mostly just the one, since Florida season is also financial reporting busy season.  So far I've only been able to do RH rated shows, but maybe this year I'll move on to do some at the Florida Horse Park.  Or maybe I'll volunteer at Red Hills.  Chatahoochee?  Southern Pines?  If I had all the time in the world, I would volunteer at all the things.

Buck and Petite Flower in the Advanced in 2015
I've had Buck Davidson say thank you when he ended up standing next to my truck to watch his wife ride one of her horses.  I've had Clayton Frederick jokingly argue with me about if he could get back on and finish since he landed on his feet (no, because he was going Prelim), and I've had another up and coming advanced rider get angry with me because I wanted her to stay and wait for the golf cart to come get her after a fall.  But mostly it's an opportunity to watch the best of the best do something that I will never do.  

Red Hills 2014.  Maybe someday I'll volunteer for this one!
I pay attention to the rides that come through and let Trainer know if there are sticky spots, or anything is riding funny, so she can use that information if she needs it.  It's my one contribution to the team.


  1. volunteering is pretty awesome - i've only jump judged a few times but really enjoyed it. would like to try scribing for dressage at some point too....

    1. It was definitely a beautiful day to sit outside and watch people ride. And maybe fan-girl a little!
