Monday, April 25, 2016

Weekend teaser (and wanted Blogger help)

So, this weekend was pretty full.  I will have a full recap sometime this week, once I get all my thoughts on paper.  And once I figure out how to do any of this media stuff.  For some reason I can't get blogger to upload any of my videos.

Let me say that again, I HAVE MEDIA!  And I cannot for the life of me figure out how to post it.

Sorry, I'm very frustrated with this.  I mean, I never get media of me actually ON my horse.  I have some and I can't share it.  And I'm bursting because I'm actually mostly proud of it.  As in, when I saw it on the iPad, I kind of teared up.

When we started with Marcea, it took us 5 months to get to this:

Walk-trot crossrails class in 2011.

Five years later, and this is what we have now:

Dressage lesson on 4/23/16

Yes, I can say it, my pony is fancy AF.  And I have elbows that bend.  

So, I'm just going to leave that there.

Hope you all had great weekends!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I had someone who used to help me with her when she was younger say she was "buff" which made me giggle.

  2. Wooo check you out!!!! That is a fantastic picture!!!

    Also my recommendation for videos would be to load directly into YouTube and share that way (you don't have to list them publicly if you don't want to). Loading into blogger will kill the quality. Good luck!

    1. Thank you for the compliment! We paint a pretty picture, I think.

      I'll have to work on the YouTube thing tonight. I've never done it, so that should be interesting.
