Friday, April 8, 2016

Violet's debut part 2: Cross country

Sunday started out early.  I got to the barn and went and took care of my judging duties, then came back to the barn just in time for Jane to start getting Violet ready for cross country.  I again got told to sit down.

While she and Marcy got ready, one of the other rider's mother's decided we should celebrate a beautiful day with a mimosa.  We loaded up 5 people (3 mimosas) and 2 weiners in a two seater golf cart and headed out behind Marcy and Violet to meet them at the cross country warm-up area.  Marcy walked, trotted and eventually cantered around a very busy cross country warm-up area.  I am used to warm-up during a schooling show.  This is kind of mad.  At one point, other rider's mother asked where she went off to.  I located her doing her thing in a quiet area away from the other horses.
Heading into warmup

Unfortunately, we sometimes have an issue with Violet with cross country when other horses are around.  She gets very concerned about leaving the group and will play on the other side of the fence.  Cross country schooling in a group is problematic, and I always flat schooled her away from the other horses.  She will chase the other horses if she gets the opportunity.  We are always aware of that when putting her in these situations.

Warming up on her own

And going the other direction
Anyway, she seemed to warm up pretty well, and she was jumping fine, even with some shenanigan's going on with Lauren Keiffer's horse.  Remember the one that was difficult in stadium?  Still difficult in cross country warm-up.  But she is very tactful and dealt with the situation very well.
Lauren on her greenbean with Marcea on V in the background.
Shiny pony

A pop over the crossrail
And the little vertical
Then we head to the cross country warmup fence

We headed to the center of the cross country field so I could get some pictures.  And I got some great ones. Just to let you know, I did not use any filters on any of these pictures (except the last one because it was dark and the ribbon was reading as blue).  This is just the way they come out. Violet is that shiny and the grass is that green.

In the box
And they're off!

Heading to the first fence

And over the first!

And the second

Over the scary log (my favorite jump) the only A on the course

A little correction in the bending line to B

And over the B

The 4 rail

Heading to the water

Pretty pony jumps pretty
The last fence

After completion, Marcea says that Violet spent the first half of the course worried about where the other horses were.  But after the water, she took a deep breath and then was like "I gots this".  In the past, Marcea had gotten time penalties in order to give Violet a calm even ride.  This time she was able to push a bit more and actually had to slow down on the last third of the course, because she was fast.  So she came through double clear on Cross Country day and moved up an additional 3 places, to finish the weekend 7th in her first ever BN rated show.  Not too shabby for the little quarterhorse that wasn't supposed to be more than a local 2' hunter.  Thanks so much to Marcea for taking her out and letting her have a little fun!

Maybe I'll get back to jumping and give elementary a shot again sometime this year...


  1. Aw yay! Violet looks wonderful - sooo shiny! You must be so proud :) and yes you should def give it a shot later this year!!

    1. I swear she is the only horse I know that can be absolutely filthy and still shine like that! It's a natural thing!

      And jury is still out on me doing more than combined tests, lol.
