Friday, January 8, 2016

Foot update

Been a while since I've done one of these.

7 weeks post surgery - at least it no longer looks like it's a cadaver foot

The foot is healing.  Slowly.  It feels like I have a bruise on the ball of my foot all the time, and the feeling of socks bunched up under my toes hasn't gone away, but it is healing.  I bought new shoes to wear to work that go up further on my foot.  They aren't sexy, but they are fairly comfortable, although all week, I have had to walk around work with one shoe on and one sock.  I thought about going back to the surgery shoe, but it has a strap that goes right across the incision line.  There is no shoe in the world that does not somehow impact that area.
1 week post surgery

The biggest problem I'm having right now is the incision still hasn't healed.  Any shoes (including my riding boots) hurt.  It gets wet when I'm in the shower, so I end up walking around all evening with no sock on that foot trying to get it to dry out.  I even had to walk around the party barefoot.  When the weather was warmer, this was not as much of an issue, but it's getting colder now, and a good portion of my house is floored in tile.  COLD tile.

Anyway, it is healing.  It's not infected, and my mother (the retired nurse) says it's fine and I'm doing what I should, but damnit, I would really like to have a normal foot again.  And to be able to put on socks without putting on a bandaid first.  And since we're talking about dreams, I would appreciate it if that third toe went back to where it's supposed to be.  And the second toe has turned into a hammer toe, which is problematic.  Sorry to be crass, but this shit is getting old.  I'm over it.  I know I will probably never be able to wear heels again, but good lord, there are cute flats.  I can't wear those either.

The doctor said I would have minimal numbness, but I'm waiting for it to be minimal.  Right now, basically both of those toes are numb.  And that makes for a very strange sensation when walking.  Is this what a horse feels like when it's been nerved?

I know in the scheme of things, I am lucky because, you know, pony, love, house, job, etc., but good god, I am tired of hurting all the time.  Ok, whining over.


  1. how frustrating :( slow recoveries are pretty much the worst, i'm so sorry. hopefully tho it *will* heal completely and then you won't even remember this miserable in-between phase.

    1. As they say, this too shall pass. I'm just tired and pissy today, lol.
