Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Show picture teasers

As I am sure anyone who actually reads this has figured out, I love to take pictures.  I have since I was a kid. Yes, I was the yearbook photographer (and business manager, but that goes without saying) in highschool.  I was the historian in my fraternity.  I was made the "unofficial" photographer of any barns I ride at.  I am much more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it.  I'm not very good, and I don't have major fancy equipment, but I still like to do it.  As a result, you all get to see lots of pics that mean nothing to you.  Enjoy!

For example, fuzzy horse pic, but kind of cool perspective.  I like it when they happen by accident.
This past weekend was Rocking Horse Winter III.  I was judging, and have gotten pretty good at judging and shooting at the same time.  I have lots of pics that I'm weeding through.  But there are some that I wanted to share, because they show how much of a stalker I am, lol.
One of our fellow bloggers, Amanda from the900facebookpony mentioned her trainer Amanda Merritt was going to be showing, and I happened to actually notice when she was coming through.  I believe this is her young horse Bleu Bayou doing Training.  I thought she did a great job, and was able to follow her through a couple of combinations.

Going over fence 5
Heading to the ramps at 6AB
Over A
5 nice strides to B

Coming over the A element at the Sunken Road

Trot up the mound and down in the hollow

Up and out over the second mound

Over the out fence

And away they go!

So that was my excitement for Training, with the exception of when my own trainer came through on her mount Riley ("Renegade Kid").

Then we moved on to Prelim.  I was at a fly fence at 3, but had a great view of the main jump field.  Since I have a camera with a big lens (thank you last year's tax refund), I was actually able to get lots of pics.  About halfway through the class, I see this horse coming.  Rider with long sleeved white shirt and glasses on a big white faced chestnut.  Oh my.  Could it be badeventer?  I took the first few pics without knowing for sure, and while she was off doing the coffin complex, I zoomed on the shirt and confirmed.  I have picture evidence that maybe Bad Eventer isn't so bad after all?!

Could it be?
Looking good over fence 3
Over the first corner at 10A
And easily over the second at 10B
Over the big table at 11
Heading to the waters
Over the first of the one stride leading to the water

And over the second

At this point something happened to my focus and the second water and the bench fences came out like crap, but I can say it looked like they took care of business handily.

So that is this week's "stalker moment".  Maybe some day I'll actually meet the people I see through my lens. Like, in person.

Actual show updates forthcoming.


  1. Sending the link to this post to AM! Thanks for stalking. ;)

  2. ha i love your pictures!! and how freakin cool is it that you get to watch these competitors knowing there are those strange threads of connection through the blogging community?

    1. Having those threads makes what could be a boring day by myself in the truck much more interesting, that is for true.

  3. Great photos! I take photos at rodeos and other western shows and I always see people I know and I'm, I'll just keep stalking you through my lens..

    1. Those of us that prefer to be behind the lens make exceptional stalkers, regardless of the discipline!
