Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Hot walks

This was one of those weekends that I can honestly answer "it was nice" when people ask how the weekend was.

The boy had to close Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and was off on Monday.  So the days kind of lined up for what we could do.

I came home from work on Friday and took Luke out for a long walk.  We hadn't gone for one in a while because it has been hot.  But it had rained and cooled off, and was cloudy, so I figured it was good.  We went across to another part of the neighborhood that is nice and shady.  When we were almost home, Luke decided he needed a break, so he laid down in the grass.  Curse of a black dog, I guess.  He was cute, I took a picture.  Little did I know, the picture would invite comments from people who have no idea.

Does this look like a puppy that is being tortured?
After posting the pic to FB, I got one comment from a cousin's boyfriend (who I have never met). Unfortunately, they are PETA types and he went off about how he doesn't have the ability to take off his coat, and how could I take him out in the heat with that on.  How would I like it?  This from a man who has no pets and doesn't know me.  Anyway, I deleted his comment, but not before some people saw it.

Now it is truly too hot to take the dog for a walk, other than a short walk before I go to work, and an even shorter one right before we go to bed.  When it is 100 during the day, and 85 degrees at 11:00 at night, it's too hot for black dogs to go for 2 mile walks.  But I will get his pool out this evening and see if he wants to play in that.

He does love his pool!
Saturday I headed to the farm and took lessons on Saturday and Sunday.  Market Street Equestrian had their party on Saturday night, which was really fun.  I headed home Sunday and hung out with the puppy.  More on this part later.

Happy 4th, from my house to yours!
Monday, the boy and I slept in a bit, and then went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  We went to Home Depot and bought furniture for the front porch.  We unloaded that, sat at the house to cool off a bit, then went back out to see if there were any antique stores that were open.  On July 4th?  Not so much. Then we went to the store for watermelon, because what is July 4th without watermelon, and headed back home for an evening of Shameless (new on Netflix!), leftover ribs and green beans, and this non-cooked berry pie thing I made.  We spent a bunch of time keeping the puppy calm when the neighbors put on an impressive fireworks display.  He was good, but definitely wanted to be touching his people when the boomers started.  He's really turning into a sweet puppy.

Anyway, that was the weekend.  Nothing major, but it was a pleasant weekend.

So has anyone out there been accosted for stupid things like walking their dogs in the summer, and how did you handle it?


  1. OMG at that peta comment. Cruelty, I tell you - that animals exist in extreme weather conditions with FUR!! No fur never, not even for the animals!! The indignity!! They should be left to their comfort in air conditioning like nature intended. Lolz...

    Sorry haha but seriously tho glad it was a nice weekend!!

    1. Yeah, he looks totally unhappy and distressed, right? And goodness knows what they would say when I tell them I make my horse DRESSAGE in the middle of the day with her hair on!
